thinking skills

 Thinking skills - analytical, critical and creative thinking


The study and teaching of thinking skills is relatively rare in under_developed countries.
The orientation of most of the available books on this subject is more traditionally
logical, and this orientation further complicates the process of teaching and
learning applied thinking skills.Smart Thinking is designed to provide a simple, but not simplistic, guide for the development of critical thinking and analytical skills.
I have been aided greatly by book"Smart thinking"written by"Matthew Allen".
 Smart Thinking: Skills for Critical Understanding and Writing
"Smart Thinking" explores each part of the Smart Thinking formula and provides:
• An understanding of how the mind works and the means to replace self-limiting habits with those that foster Smart Thinking
• Insights into how memory functions and how to improve the quality of what you learn
• Ways to present new information effectively
• Specific techniques for improving your understanding of how the world works
• The ability to define and solve problems by finding the relevant knowledge from any area of expertise and applying it effectively.
Let's talk about smart thinking skills in the form of Answers, Discussion:

Asking questions (of ourselves and others). Your questions are designed to tell you
what you do not already know and guide you in what to find out; but they also draw
out hidden aspects of a problem; and, because questions are like claims ,
they provide possible conclusions for your argument.

Seek out information. Smart thinking requires information. It also helps us when
dealing with information by letting us sift through for the essential things we want
to know.

Make connections. This activity is crucial. If you are not doing this, you are not
thinking smart. It is like doing a jigsaw puzzle—if you put the pieces together in
the right way, you come up with the 'right answer' (the picture) at the end.

Interpret and evaluate. Not only do you need to interpret and evaluate what you
read: you also need to do these actions to your own thinking!
This book is one of the textbooks i am 'recommending' for our Reasoning and Communication unit at university. I want to utter for this to because; 
a) I read the whole thing back to front and
b) I think some people would read it without having to as a way to expand on their critical thinking skills.

First off, it's a valid subject, but the author approached it in a way that took something seemingly easy and made it into this complex scientific method. I found some chapters interesting and the chapters with all the diagrams and maps to be quite tedious.

However, it is completely valid in helping to form arguments hence I felt I should make others to read it.


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